Friday 14th March 2025

We want to make you rich, but first you’ve got to get angry

Mouthy Money announces a shift in purpose as it looks to focus more heavily on building your wealth, spending it and beating the system at its own game. 

Can you feel it? That is the sensation of the world slipping through your fingers.

The Great Financial Crisis, the housing crisis, Brexit, Covid, the cost-of-living crisis, the energy crisis. Any I forgot? It feels as if no matter what we do, we are all just keeping our heads above water.

If, like me, you came of age in the fire and brimstone of the Great Financial Crisis you might well wonder, has everything afterwards been just a total con?

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You might have been a student during the turbulent Covid years, now condemned to massive student debt thinking, thinking where exactly did that get me?

Or you could be a parent who gets valuable child benefits while simultaneously being taxed to high heaven, thinking, can’t I just keep more of my own money? 

Maybe you’re the child of a baby boomer, watching them sitting on their pile of cash and home like Smaug and his gold, taking cruises and buying Range Rovers with your ‘inheritance’. 

Perhaps you feel you’ve worked hard to get to where you are today, but you’re crushed by the anxiety of what to do with it now you’ve got it. Least of all you want the Government pinching half of it for its mad pet projects.

And what about a 20-30-something who wants a family, but is locked out of the housing market by decades of bad policy from every political persuasion, vested interest and NIMBY psychopaths of your worst nightmares?

We all have a bone to pick with the system.

Dead-end job prospects. Stagnant pay. £15 olive oil. The Government taking half your money to pay people a ‘state’ ‘pension’ from a fictional ‘fund’ based on lies, damned lies and statistics. Fiddling while Rome burns.

The list of things that have arrived in the 21st century to truly Screw…Us…Over…is growing by the day. 

We here at Mouthy Money are no longer going to take these affronts lying down anymore.

I’m not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get MAD! I don’t want you to protest. I don’t want you to riot – I don’t want you to write to your congressman, because I wouldn’t know what to tell you to write.

I don’t know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you’ve got to get mad. (shouting) You’ve got to say: ‘I’m a human being, god-dammit! My life has value!’ – Peter Finch in Network (1976).

So, from today, we’re tightening our focus. For those who want to build financial independence, we’re here to help you get rich, or die trying.*

And for those who have already built it, we’re here to help you decide how to protect well-earned wealth and spend it (and not be scared of ashamed of doing so either).

Why we’ve ended up here

Mouthy Money has been around since 2016, focused on telling people’s personal financial stories. We launched a podcast in October 2023, which has gone from strength to strength in the past year.

Increasingly though, and as Chris Tuite joined me as co-host, it has become clear that what really matters to us, and our audience, is that no one is looking out for our long-term financial health. 

Sure, financial firms do what they can. But Government institutions pay lip service, give and take small-time benefits, allowances or bonuses. Tax this, give that. It’s not enough.

The truth is no matter what your situation, there are tools there to help you get wealthier. To live the life you actually want to lead.

The system as it exists is not designed to screw you. What screws you is all the vested interests that come for their slice along the way. It’s time to stop those interests from winning.

From a high street bank that gives you a measly interest rate, to the insurer that hikes your premium without fail every year, or the private equity enterprise behind the vet that bills you for every penny any time your dog has a sniffle – we’ve had enough.

Mouthy Money is not here to break the system open. But we are now here to show you how to win against it and how to work with the companies that actually want to help you. And we might even try to change it for the better while we’re at it. 

Mouthy Money’s new manifesto

Mouthy Money is a money blog dedicated to speaking up about the importance of long-term wealth – how to build it; how to protect ithow to enjoy it.

We want to focus on real money issues and tackle the stigma around the importance of wealth and how people can achieve it responsibly and sustainably, by using the system as it exists to their benefit and promoting change from within.

Our mission is to provide essential information to readers: to help better inform and offer them the power to choose the right path for their own wealth growth, preservation and enjoyment.

We are a team of financial journalists with a deep pool of expertise and experience, from investing to pensions, mortgages, budgeting and more.

We’re very excited for this new chapter in our journey. Get in touch at if you’d like to be a part of it.

*When we say make you rich, we mean responsibly over time using legal methods. Don’t go getting any ideas!

Edmund Greaves


Edmund Greaves is editor of Mouthy Money and host of the Mouthy Money podcast. Formerly deputy editor of Moneywise magazine, he has worked in journalism for over a decade in politics, travel and now money.

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