Monday 7th October 2024

Food hacks: how to eat deliciously for less

Food Pasta

I love food. I’m always hungry. This has been an ongoing predicament, and I remember being the greediest child known to man. I was the kid at the party who would eat until they were sick, run round at 100mph until I felt better, and then shovel more cake in.

While I am a hungry individual in general, I’m actually quite tight when it comes to buying everyday food. I refuse to do my food shop at Sainsbury’s let alone Waitrose, and I shake my head when I see colleagues coming back into the office with a £7 lunch from Pret. I once saw a woman doing her big food shop at M&S and I don’t think I’ve ever quite recovered from the shock.

I was the kid at the party who would eat until they were sick.

I don’t like spending lots of money on food because there really is no need to. With a bit of imagination and planning, it’s easy to shop cheaply and eat healthily for not very much at all.

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It also doesn’t cost more money to eat healthily. I saw a woman in a particularly rough bit of Birmingham whip out bags of Space Raiders for her kids’ breakfast – I felt like telling her IT WOULD BE CHEAPER TO GIVE THEM A BANANA.

I saw a woman in a particularly rough bit of Birmingham whip out bags of Space Raiders for her kids’ breakfast!

Every month when payday comes (my favourite day) I do my big shop online to last me for the month. This always includes my staples – lots of chicken, meat, fish, frozen veg, and sauce-y stuff to make meals with. Then in the week I go to Lidl or Aldi (how I love them) for fruit, veg and any extras. I spend an hour or so on a Sunday cooking up a storm.

This what I did last week:

  • Cooked a family-sized chicken. Saved some for dinners and lunches. With the leftovers made a red Thai curry with sweet potato. That’s three weeknight dinners done for about a £5.
  • Made a pan of brown rice. Kept it in the fridge to add to meals. £1
  • Four cans of tuna and sweetcorn to make 10 delicious tuna burgers. These went with salad for my work lunches and a jar of chutney. £4 for five spectacular lunches.
  • Whizzed chickpeas, garlic, olive oil in the blender. Hummus done for multiple snacks. £1.50
  • Bought 20 apples, so stewed them and made a large apple crumble. £2

So for the grand total of £12, I ate all this. YUM. So while I may be financially disorganised, I can prep like a boss and keep my demanding belly full. What are your food hacks?


Leanne Franklin

Mouthy Blogger

West Midlands lass blogging her way through newfound motherhood and trying to get on the housing ladder in the smoothest way possible. Leanne also writes for ‘Money and the Mum’.

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