Monday 7th October 2024

The three ridiculous reasons I keep clothes I should be selling on eBay


I love spending money on myself. It’s one of my favourite things to do – clothes, make up, hair, nails, house stuff, the lot. It may sound shallow, and like a total cliché, but it’s what I like to do and it’s my little reward for working so hard. Unfortunately this doesn’t sit well with my financial good intentions….so while I think about how and if I can curb my habit, I’m going to make a positive step.

I am in the process of my biggest ever wardrobe clear out. Now this may sound small, but for me it’s a generous step given I hang onto clothes for ridiculous reasons, for example:

  1. I might need that for a holiday next year.
  2. If I bought a new skirt to go with that top, it would be a banging outfit.
  3. I’m keeping that for my unborn daughter so she can wear her Mum’s vintage dress when she grows up.

While this is ridiculous, I know many other women have the same thoughts when they look at their mayhem of a wardrobe.

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So my new rule is, if something hasn’t been worn for the last six months, then it will be eliminated.

I’m allowing myself some flexibility for exceptional circumstances, for example, the dress I had the best night ever in (ah, memories), or if I love it so much it would hurt my heart to get rid of it.

I’ve got two piles of rejects. One which will go to charity, and one which will be going on eBay. The charity pile is stuff I know won’t sell on eBay, such as last year’s Primark dresses and shoes that have seen too many good nights. This stuff can’t go on eBay because it won’t sell and buyers are fussier than you would think!  I get quite annoyed with eBay and the number of unreasonable questions. How many times have you worn it? Will you post to Australia? Not for a £1 dress. Use your eyes! However, I’m prepared to deal with this as the eBay pile is going to make me some money, which will then go into my new savings account. At least most of it anyway…

Leanne Franklin

Mouthy Blogger

West Midlands lass blogging her way through newfound motherhood and trying to get on the housing ladder in the smoothest way possible. Leanne also writes for ‘Money and the Mum’.

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